Frequently Asked Questions.
Waking up early, leaving behind kids and family is a hectic schedule. The best option to avoid the rush is ‘online teaching. You can teach online without suffering your current job.
Every Educator has unique way and style for teaching, so that learner can understand in better way. Achievam provide the platform for those educators so that they can teach effectively.
They can teach from primary to university level at any topic Academic and personality development videos can be posted by the educators.
Earning a fair good amount, while sitting comfortably at home is the biggest temptation offered by Achievam.
Educator will decide himself/herself what price they want for their course for his/her course from learner.
It totally depends on educator how many courses they are comfortable in teaching. Educator has the liberty to decide the course and price which he/she offering.
Students who are in personal contact list will also be allowed and can be taught.
You will be listed as soon as you get registered.
Monthly basis.
Basically you do not have to pay for registering, but you have to pay for the security of your content and services opted for the better user experience (pocket friendly). In addition you can give the access to the student whom you want to enroll directly.
Yes, you can use the same.
No, either of the language, Hindi, English or bilingual can be opted for delivering the topic.
A good camera phone or camcorder with a good quality collar mic will be sufficient for the video making. In addition a board and sufficient light will be enough for making videos.
COVID-19 pandemic era has already decided the future of online teaching that in any such condition, technology and digital learning will be the best option.
No, either of the language, Hindi, English or bilingual can be opted for delivering the topic.